Name, appearance, personality, and pronoun (he, she, or they) customization for your character.4 different periods of life to experience: childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and fully grown.The first batch of DLCs are $3.99USD each with three available, a fourth DLC that is $2.99USD released in 2022ġ6+, for swearing, crude humor, and suggestive content during adult-aged portions of the game With notable amounts of customization for even tiny details, you can enjoy pleasures as simple as having a preferred type of drink and a neighbor who cares enough to remember what it is. It’s a wholesome experience that faces large steppingstones of life, while having a focus on familiar everyday moments. Our Life: Beginnings & Always is a feel-good simulation, as well as a “feel-better” one, where painful emotions such as sadness, anger, stress, and worry can all be expressed, then met with reassurance, understanding, and support.

Create an experience that’s all your own in this near-fully customizable, choice-heavy story. A nostalgic visual novel where you design your own character and grow from childhood to adulthood with the lonely boy next door.